Source code for nnabla_rl.algorithm

# Copyright 2020,2021 Sony Corporation.
# Copyright 2021,2022 Sony Group Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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import sys
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Sequence, Union

import gym
import numpy as np

import nnabla as nn
import nnabla_rl as rl
from nnabla_rl.configuration import Configuration
from nnabla_rl.environments.environment_info import EnvironmentInfo
from nnabla_rl.exceptions import UnsupportedEnvironmentException, UnsupportedTrainingException
from nnabla_rl.hook import Hook
from nnabla_rl.logger import logger
from nnabla_rl.replay_buffer import ReplayBuffer

def eval_api(f):
    def wrapped_with_eval_scope(*args, **kwargs):
        with rl.eval_scope():
            return f(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapped_with_eval_scope

[docs]@dataclass class AlgorithmConfig(Configuration): """ List of algorithm common configuration Args: gpu_id (int): id of the gpu to use. If negative, the training will run on cpu. Defaults to -1. """ gpu_id: int = -1
[docs]class Algorithm(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base Algorithm class Args: env_or_env_info\ (gym.Env or :py:class:`EnvironmentInfo <nnabla_rl.environments.environment_info.EnvironmentInfo>`) : environment or environment info config (:py:class:`AlgorithmConfig <nnabla_rl.algorithm.AlgorithmConfig>`): configuration of the algorithm Note: Default functions, solvers and configurations are set to the configurations of each algorithm's original paper. Default functions may not work depending on the environment. """ # type declarations to type check with mypy # NOTE: declared variables are instance variable and NOT class variable, unless it is marked with ClassVar # See for details _env_info: EnvironmentInfo _config: AlgorithmConfig _iteration_num: int _hooks: Sequence[Hook] def __init__(self, env_info, config=AlgorithmConfig()): if isinstance(env_info, gym.Env): env_info = EnvironmentInfo.from_env(env_info) self._env_info = env_info self._config = config self._iteration_num = 0 self._hooks = [] if not self.is_supported_env(env_info): raise UnsupportedEnvironmentException("{} does not support the enviroment. \ See the algorithm catalog ( \ and confirm what kinds of enviroments are supported".format(self.__name__)) if self._config.gpu_id < 0:'algorithm will run on cpu.') else:'algorithm will run on gpu: {}'.format(self._config.gpu_id)) @property def __name__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ @property def latest_iteration_state(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ''' Return latest iteration state that is composed of items of training process state. You can use this state for debugging (e.g. plot loss curve). See [IterationStateHook](./hooks/ for getting more details. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Dictionary with items of training process state. ''' latest_iteration_state: Dict[str, Any] = {} latest_iteration_state['scalar'] = {} latest_iteration_state['histogram'] = {} latest_iteration_state['image'] = {} return latest_iteration_state @property def iteration_num(self) -> int: ''' Current iteration number. Returns: int: Current iteration number of running training. ''' return self._iteration_num
[docs] def train(self, env_or_buffer: Union[gym.Env, ReplayBuffer], total_iterations: int = sys.maxsize): ''' Train the policy with reinforcement learning algorithm Args: env_or_buffer (Union[gym.Env, ReplayBuffer]): Target environment to train the policy online or reply buffer to train the policy offline. total_iterations (int): Total number of iterations to train the policy. Raises: UnsupportedTrainingException: Raises if this algorithm does not support the training method for given parameter. ''' if self._is_env(env_or_buffer): self.train_online(env_or_buffer, total_iterations) elif self._is_buffer(env_or_buffer): self.train_offline(env_or_buffer, total_iterations) else: raise UnsupportedTrainingException
[docs] def train_online(self, train_env: gym.Env, total_iterations: int = sys.maxsize): ''' Train the policy by interacting with given environment. Args: train_env (gym.Env): Target environment to train the policy. total_iterations (int): Total number of iterations to train the policy. Raises: UnsupportedTrainingException: Raises if the algorithm does not support online training ''' if self._has_rnn_models(): self._assert_rnn_is_supported() self._before_training_start(train_env) for _ in range(total_iterations): self._iteration_num += 1 self._run_online_training_iteration(train_env) self._invoke_hooks() self._after_training_finish(train_env)
[docs] def train_offline(self, replay_buffer: gym.Env, total_iterations: int = sys.maxsize): ''' Train the policy using only the replay buffer. Args: replay_buffer (ReplayBuffer): Replay buffer to sample experiences to train the policy. total_iterations (int): Total number of iterations to train the policy. Raises: UnsupportedTrainingException: Raises if the algorithm does not support offline training ''' if self._has_rnn_models(): self._assert_rnn_is_supported() self._before_training_start(replay_buffer) for _ in range(total_iterations): self._iteration_num += 1 self._run_offline_training_iteration(replay_buffer) self._invoke_hooks() self._after_training_finish(replay_buffer)
[docs] def set_hooks(self, hooks: Sequence[Hook]): ''' Set hooks for running additional operation during training. Previously set hooks will be removed and replaced with new hooks. Args: hooks (list of nnabla_rl.hook.Hook): Hooks to invoke during training ''' self._hooks = hooks
def _invoke_hooks(self): for hook in self._hooks: hook(self)
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_eval_action(self, state, *, begin_of_episode=False) -> np.ndarray: ''' Compute action for given state using current best policy. This is usually used for evaluation. Args: state (np.ndarray): state to compute the action. begin_of_episode (bool): Used for rnn state resetting. This flag informs the beginning of episode. Returns: np.ndarray: Action for given state using current trained policy. ''' raise NotImplementedError
def _before_training_start(self, env_or_buffer): pass @abstractmethod def _run_online_training_iteration(self, env): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _run_offline_training_iteration(self, buffer): raise NotImplementedError def _after_training_finish(self, env_or_buffer): pass @abstractmethod def _models(self): ''' Model objects which are trained by the algorithm. Returns: Dict[str, nnabla_rl.model.Model]: Dictionary with items of model name as key and object as value. ''' raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _solvers(self) -> Dict[str, nn.solver.Solver]: ''' Solver objects which are used for training the models by the algorithm. Returns: Dict[str, nn.solver.Solver]: Dictionary with items of solver name as key and object as value. ''' raise NotImplementedError def _is_env(self, env): return isinstance(env, gym.Env) def _is_buffer(self, env): return isinstance(env, ReplayBuffer) def _has_rnn_models(self): for model in self._models().values(): if model.is_recurrent(): return True return False def _assert_rnn_is_supported(self): if not self.is_rnn_supported(): raise RuntimeError(f'{self.__name__} does not support rnn models but rnn models where given!')
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def is_supported_env(cls, env_or_env_info: Union[gym.Env, EnvironmentInfo]) -> bool: ''' Check whether the algorithm supports the enviroment or not. Args: env_or_env_info \ (gym.Env or :py:class:`EnvironmentInfo <nnabla_rl.environments.environment_info.EnvironmentInfo>`) \ : environment or environment info Returns: bool: True if the algorithm supports the environment. Otherwise False. ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def is_rnn_supported(cls) -> bool: ''' Check whether the algorithm supports rnn models or not Returns: bool: True if the algorithm supports rnn models. Otherwise False. ''' return False