# Copyright 2020,2021 Sony Corporation.
# Copyright 2021,2022,2023,2024 Sony Group Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import math
import sys
from abc import abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Generic, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, cast
import numpy as np
import nnabla_rl as rl
from nnabla_rl.replay_buffer import ReplayBuffer
from nnabla_rl.typing import Experience
from nnabla_rl.utils.data import DataHolder, RingBuffer
T = TypeVar("T")
# NOTE: index naming convention used in this module
# relative index: 0: oldest item's index. capacity - 1: newest item's index.
# absolute index: actual data index in list. 0: list's head. capacity - 1: list's tail.
# tree index: 0: root of the tree. 2 * capacity - 1: right most leaf of the tree.
# heap index: 0: head of the heap. If max heap, maximum value is saved in this index. capacity - 1: tail of the heap.
class Node(Generic[T]):
value: T
parent: int = -1
left: int = 1
right: int = 2
class BinaryTree(Generic[T]):
"""Common Binary Tree Class SumTree and MinTree is derived from this class.
capacity (int): the maximum number of saved data.
init_node_value (T): the initial value of node.
# type declarations to type check with mypy
# NOTE: declared variables are instance variable and NOT class variable, unless it is marked with ClassVar
# See https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/class_basics.html for details
_tree: List[Node[T]]
_tail_index: int
def __init__(self, capacity: int, init_node_value: T):
self._capacity = capacity
self._init_node_value = init_node_value
self._tail_index = 0
self._length = 0
self._tree = [self._make_init_node(i) for i in range(2 * capacity - 1)]
def __len__(self):
return self._length
def __getitem__(self, tree_index: int):
return self._tree[tree_index].value
def append(self, value: T):
self.update(self._tail_index, value)
self._tail_index = (self._tail_index + 1) % self._capacity
if self._length < self._capacity:
self._length += 1
def update(self, absolute_index: int, value: T):
tree_index = self.absolute_to_tree_index(absolute_index)
self._tree[tree_index].value = value
def _update_parent(self, tree_index: int):
raise NotImplementedError
def tree_to_absolute_index(self, tree_index: int):
return tree_index - (self._capacity - 1)
def absolute_to_tree_index(self, absolute_index: int):
return absolute_index + self._capacity - 1
def _make_init_node(self, index: int):
parent = (index - 1) // 2
left = 2 * index + 1 if index < self._capacity - 1 else -1
right = left + 1 if index < self._capacity - 1 else -1
value = self._init_node_value
return Node(value=value, parent=parent, left=left, right=right)
class MinTree(BinaryTree[float]):
def __init__(self, capacity: int):
super(MinTree, self).__init__(capacity, init_node_value=math.inf)
def min(self):
return self._tree[0].value
def _update_parent(self, tree_index: int):
if tree_index > 0:
parent_index = self._tree[tree_index].parent
left_index = self._tree[parent_index].left
left_value = self._tree[left_index].value
right_index = self._tree[parent_index].right
right_value = self._tree[right_index].value
self._tree[parent_index].value = min(left_value, right_value)
class SumTree(BinaryTree[float]):
def __init__(self, capacity: int):
super(SumTree, self).__init__(capacity, init_node_value=0.0)
def get_absolute_index_from_query(self, query: float):
"""Sample absolute index from query value."""
if query < 0 or query > self.sum():
raise ValueError(f"You must use value between [0, {self.sum()}] as query")
node = self._tree[0]
while node.left >= 0:
left_value = self._tree[node.left].value
if query < left_value:
tree_index = node.left
tree_index = node.right
query -= left_value
node = self._tree[tree_index]
return self.tree_to_absolute_index(tree_index)
def sum(self):
return self._tree[0].value
def _update_parent(self, tree_index: int):
if tree_index > 0:
parent_index = self._tree[tree_index].parent
left_index = self._tree[parent_index].left
left_value = self._tree[left_index].value
right_index = self._tree[parent_index].right
right_value = self._tree[right_index].value
self._tree[parent_index].value = left_value + right_value
class MaxHeap(object):
def __init__(self, capacity):
self._capacity = capacity
self._heap = [None for _ in range(capacity)]
self._heap_to_absolute_index_map = [None for _ in range(capacity)]
self._absolute_to_heap_index_map = [None for _ in range(capacity)]
self._tail_index = 0
self._oldest_index = 0
self._length = 0
def __len__(self):
return self._length
def __getitem__(self, heap_index: int):
return self._heap[heap_index]
def append(self, value: float):
if len(self) == self._capacity:
# remove the oldest and replace with new data
# Reset the priority of oldest_index data to maximum
# We know that new data will be inserted there
self.update(self._oldest_index, value)
self._oldest_index = (self._oldest_index + 1) % self._capacity
self._heappush(self._tail_index, value)
if self._tail_index < self._capacity - 1:
self._tail_index += 1
self._length += 1
def sort_data(self):
# Decreasing order
self._heap = sorted(self._heap, key=lambda item: -math.inf if item is None else item[1], reverse=True)
# Reset index map
for index, item in enumerate(self._heap):
if item is not None:
self._heap_to_absolute_index_map[index] = item[0]
self._absolute_to_heap_index_map[item[0]] = index
self._heap_to_absolute_index_map[index] = None
def get_absolute_index_from_heap_index(self, heap_index: int):
return self.heap_to_absolute_index(heap_index)
def update(self, absolute_index: int, value: float):
heap_index = self.absolute_to_heap_index(absolute_index)
(absolute_index, _) = self._heap[heap_index]
self._heap[heap_index] = (absolute_index, value)
def _parent_index(self, child_index):
return (child_index - 1) // 2
def _heappush(self, absolute_index, error):
heap_index = self._tail_index
self._heap_to_absolute_index_map[heap_index] = absolute_index
self._absolute_to_heap_index_map[absolute_index] = heap_index
self._heap[heap_index] = (absolute_index, error)
def _heapup(self, heap_index):
if heap_index == 0:
heap_data = self._heap[heap_index]
parent_index = self._parent_index(heap_index)
parent_data = self._heap[parent_index]
if parent_data[1] < heap_data[1]:
self._swap_item(heap_index, parent_index)
def _heapdown(self, heap_index):
heap_length = len(self)
if heap_length <= heap_index:
heap_data = self._heap[heap_index]
child_l_index = heap_index * 2 + 1
child_r_index = heap_index * 2 + 2
child_l_data = self._heap[child_l_index] if child_l_index < self._capacity else None
child_r_data = self._heap[child_r_index] if child_r_index < self._capacity else None
largest_data_index = heap_index
if child_l_data is not None:
if (child_l_index < heap_length) and (child_l_data[1] > heap_data[1]):
largest_data_index = child_l_index
if child_r_data is not None:
if (child_r_index < heap_length) and (child_r_data[1] > self._heap[largest_data_index][1]):
largest_data_index = child_r_index
if largest_data_index != heap_index:
self._swap_item(heap_index, largest_data_index)
def _swap_item(self, heap_index1, heap_index2):
heap_index1_data = self._heap[heap_index1]
heap_index2_data = self._heap[heap_index2]
self._heap[heap_index1], self._heap[heap_index2] = heap_index2_data, heap_index1_data
self._heap_to_absolute_index_map[heap_index1] = heap_index2_data[0]
self._absolute_to_heap_index_map[heap_index2_data[0]] = heap_index1
self._heap_to_absolute_index_map[heap_index2] = heap_index1_data[0]
self._absolute_to_heap_index_map[heap_index1_data[0]] = heap_index2
def absolute_to_heap_index(self, absolute_index):
return self._absolute_to_heap_index_map[absolute_index]
def heap_to_absolute_index(self, heap_index):
return self._heap_to_absolute_index_map[heap_index]
class PrioritizedDataHolder(DataHolder[Any]):
def __init__(self, capacity: int):
self._capacity = capacity
self._data = RingBuffer(maxlen=capacity)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._data)
def __getitem__(self, relative_index: int):
return self._data[relative_index]
def append(self, data):
# ignore returned value
def append_with_removed_item_check(self, data):
raise NotImplementedError
def update_priority(self, relative_index: int, priority: int):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_priority(self, relative_index: int):
raise NotImplementedError
def _relative_to_absolute_index(self, relative_index):
return (relative_index + self._data._head) % self._capacity
def _absolute_to_relative_index(self, absolute_index):
return (absolute_index - self._data._head) % self._capacity
class SumTreeDataHolder(PrioritizedDataHolder):
def __init__(self, capacity, initial_max_priority, keep_min=True):
self._sum_tree = SumTree(capacity=capacity)
self._keep_min = keep_min
if self._keep_min:
self._min_tree = MinTree(capacity=capacity)
self._max_priority = initial_max_priority
def append_with_removed_item_check(self, data):
removed = self._data.append_with_removed_item_check(data)
if self._keep_min:
return removed
def get_priority(self, relative_index: int):
absolute_index = self._relative_to_absolute_index(relative_index)
tree_index = self._sum_tree.absolute_to_tree_index(absolute_index)
return self._sum_tree[tree_index]
def sum_priority(self):
return self._sum_tree.sum()
def min_priority(self):
return self._min_tree.min()
def update_priority(self, relative_index: int, priority: float):
absolute_index = self._relative_to_absolute_index(relative_index)
self._sum_tree.update(absolute_index, priority)
if self._keep_min:
self._min_tree.update(absolute_index, priority)
self._max_priority = max(self._max_priority, priority)
def get_index_from_query(self, query: float):
absolute_index = self._sum_tree.get_absolute_index_from_query(query)
return self._absolute_to_relative_index(absolute_index)
class MaxHeapDataHolder(PrioritizedDataHolder):
def __init__(self, capacity: int, alpha: float):
self._max_heap = MaxHeap(capacity)
self._alpha = alpha
def append_with_removed_item_check(self, data):
removed = self._data.append_with_removed_item_check(data)
return removed
def get_priority(self, relative_index: int):
absolute_index = self._relative_to_absolute_index(relative_index)
heap_index = self._max_heap.absolute_to_heap_index(absolute_index)
rank = heap_index + 1
return self._compute_priority(rank)
def get_relative_index_from_heap_index(self, heap_index: int):
absolute_index = self._max_heap.get_absolute_index_from_heap_index(heap_index)
return self._absolute_to_relative_index(absolute_index)
def update_priority(self, relative_index: int, priority: float):
absolute_index = self._relative_to_absolute_index(relative_index)
self._max_heap.update(absolute_index, priority)
def sort_data(self):
def _compute_priority(self, rank: int):
priority = (1 / rank) ** self._alpha
# We do not normalize priority here to reduce computation.
# Normalization term will be compensated when dividing with maximum weight
return priority
class _PrioritizedReplayBuffer(ReplayBuffer):
def __init__(
self, capacity: int, alpha: float, beta: float, betasteps: int, error_clip: Optional[Tuple[float, float]]
# Do not call super class' constructor
self._capacity = capacity
self._alpha = alpha
self._beta = beta
self._beta_diff = (1.0 - beta) / betasteps
self._error_clip = error_clip
# last absolute indices of experiences sampled from buffer
self._last_sampled_indices: Union[Sequence[int], None] = None
def __getitem__(self, relative_index: int):
# NOTE: relative index 0 means the oldest entry and len(self) - 1 the latest entry
return self._buffer[relative_index]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._buffer)
def sample(self, num_samples: int = 1, num_steps: int = 1):
raise NotImplementedError
def sample_indices(self, indices: Sequence[int], num_steps: int = 1):
if len(indices) == 0:
raise ValueError("Indices are empty")
if self._last_sampled_indices is not None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Trying to sample data from buffer without updating priority. "
"Check that the algorithm supports prioritized replay buffer."
experiences: Union[Sequence[Experience], Tuple[Sequence[Experience], ...]]
if num_steps == 1:
experiences = [self.__getitem__(index) for index in indices]
experiences = tuple([self.__getitem__(index + i) for index in indices] for i in range(num_steps))
weights = self._get_weights(indices, self._alpha, self._beta)
info = dict(weights=weights)
self._beta = min(self._beta + self._beta_diff, 1.0)
self._last_sampled_indices = indices
return experiences, info
def update_priorities(self, errors: np.ndarray):
raise NotImplementedError
def _preprocess_errors(self, errors: np.ndarray):
if self._error_clip is not None:
errors = np.clip(errors, self._error_clip[0], self._error_clip[1])
return np.abs(errors)
def _get_weights(self, indices: Sequence[int], alpha: float, beta: float):
raise NotImplementedError
def _capacity_check(self, capacity: int):
if capacity is None or capacity <= 0:
error_msg = "buffer size must be greater than 0"
raise ValueError(error_msg)
class ProportionalPrioritizedReplayBuffer(_PrioritizedReplayBuffer):
# type declarations to type check with mypy
# NOTE: declared variables are instance variable and NOT class variable, unless it is marked with ClassVar
# See https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/class_basics.html for details
_buffer: SumTreeDataHolder
_epsilon: float
def __init__(
capacity: int,
alpha: float = 0.6,
beta: float = 0.4,
betasteps: int = 10000,
error_clip: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = (-1, 1),
epsilon: float = 1e-8,
init_max_error: float = 1.0,
normalization_method: str = "buffer_max",
super(ProportionalPrioritizedReplayBuffer, self).__init__(capacity, alpha, beta, betasteps, error_clip)
assert normalization_method in ("batch_max", "buffer_max")
self._normalization_method = normalization_method
keep_min = self._normalization_method == "buffer_max"
self._buffer = SumTreeDataHolder(capacity=capacity, initial_max_priority=init_max_error, keep_min=keep_min)
self._epsilon = epsilon
def append(self, experience):
def sample(self, num_samples: int = 1, num_steps: int = 1):
buffer_length = len(self)
if num_samples > buffer_length:
error_msg = f"num_samples: {num_samples} is greater than the size of buffer: {buffer_length}"
raise ValueError(error_msg)
if buffer_length - num_steps < 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"Insufficient buffer length. buffer: {buffer_length} < steps: {num_steps}")
# In paper,
# "To sample a minibatch of size k, the range [0, ptotal] is divided equally into k ranges.
# Next, a value is uniformly sampled from each range"
indices = []
interval = self._buffer.sum_priority() / num_samples
for i in range(num_samples):
index = sys.maxsize
while index >= buffer_length - num_steps + 1:
random_value = rl.random.drng.uniform(interval * i, interval * (i + 1))
index = self._buffer.get_index_from_query(random_value)
return self.sample_indices(indices, num_steps)
def update_priorities(self, errors: np.ndarray):
errors = self._preprocess_errors(errors)
errors = ((errors + self._epsilon) ** self._alpha).flatten()
indices = cast(Sequence[int], self._last_sampled_indices)
for index, error in zip(indices, errors):
self._buffer.update_priority(index, error)
self._last_sampled_indices = None
def _get_weights(self, indices: Sequence[int], alpha: float, beta: float):
priorities = np.asarray([self._buffer.get_priority(i) for i in indices])[:, np.newaxis]
if self._normalization_method == "batch_max":
# Use min priority. This is same as max of weight.
min_priority = priorities.min()
elif self._normalization_method == "buffer_max":
# Use min priority. This is same as max of weight.
min_priority = self._buffer.min_priority()
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown normalization method {self._normalization_method}")
return (priorities / min_priority) ** (-beta)
class RankBasedPrioritizedReplayBuffer(_PrioritizedReplayBuffer):
# type declarations to type check with mypy
# NOTE: declared variables are instance variable and NOT class variable, unless it is marked with ClassVar
# See https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/class_basics.html for details
_buffer: MaxHeapDataHolder
_reset_segment_interval: int
_sort_interval: int
_boundaries: List[int]
_prev_num_samples: int
_prev_num_steps: int
_appends_since_prev_start: int
def __init__(
capacity: int,
alpha: float = 0.7,
beta: float = 0.5,
betasteps: int = 10000,
error_clip: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = (-1, 1),
reset_segment_interval: int = 1000,
sort_interval: int = 1000000,
super(RankBasedPrioritizedReplayBuffer, self).__init__(capacity, alpha, beta, betasteps, error_clip)
self._buffer = MaxHeapDataHolder(capacity, alpha)
self._reset_segment_interval = reset_segment_interval
self._sort_interval = sort_interval
self._boundaries = []
self._prev_num_samples = 0
self._prev_num_steps = 0
self._appends_since_prev_sort = 0
self._ps_cumsum = np.cumsum(np.asarray([(1 / (i + 1)) ** alpha for i in range(capacity)]))
def append(self, experience):
self._appends_since_prev_sort += 1
if self._appends_since_prev_sort % self._sort_interval == 0:
self._appends_since_prev_sort = 0
def sample(self, num_samples: int = 1, num_steps: int = 1):
buffer_length = len(self)
if num_samples > buffer_length:
error_msg = f"num_samples: {num_samples} is greater than the size of buffer: {buffer_length}"
raise ValueError(error_msg)
if buffer_length - num_steps < 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"Insufficient buffer length. buffer: {buffer_length} < steps: {num_steps}")
if (
(num_samples != self._prev_num_samples)
or (num_steps != self._prev_num_steps)
or (buffer_length % self._reset_segment_interval == 0 and buffer_length != self._capacity)
or (len(self._boundaries) == 0)
self._boundaries = self._compute_segment_boundaries(N=buffer_length, k=num_samples)
self._prev_num_samples = num_samples
self._prev_num_steps = num_steps
indices = []
prev_boundary = 0
for boundary in self._boundaries:
heap_index = rl.random.drng.integers(low=prev_boundary, high=boundary)
index = self._buffer.get_relative_index_from_heap_index(heap_index)
prev_boundary = boundary
if index < buffer_length - num_steps + 1:
while len(indices) < num_samples:
# Enters here only when 1 < num_steps and (one or more than one) sampled indices exceeded buffer length
boundary_index = rl.random.drng.choice(len(self._boundaries))
if boundary_index != 0:
boundary_low = self._boundaries[boundary_index - 1]
boundary_low = 0
boundary_high = self._boundaries[boundary_index]
heap_index = rl.random.drng.integers(low=boundary_low, high=boundary_high)
index = self._buffer.get_relative_index_from_heap_index(heap_index)
if index < buffer_length - num_steps + 1:
return self.sample_indices(indices, num_steps)
def update_priorities(self, errors: np.ndarray):
errors = self._preprocess_errors(errors)
indices = cast(Sequence[int], self._last_sampled_indices)
for index, error in zip(indices, errors):
self._buffer.update_priority(index, error)
self._last_sampled_indices = None
def _compute_segment_boundaries(self, N: int, k: int):
if N < k:
raise ValueError(f"Batch size {k} is greater than buffer size {N}")
boundaries: List[int] = []
denominator = self._ps_cumsum[N - 1]
for i in range(N):
if (len(boundaries) + 1) / k <= self._ps_cumsum[i] / denominator:
boundaries.append(i + 1)
assert len(boundaries) == k
return boundaries
def _get_weights(self, indices: Sequence[int], alpha: float, beta: float):
priorities = np.asarray([self._buffer.get_priority(i) for i in indices])[:, np.newaxis]
worst_rank = len(self._buffer)
min_priority = (1 / worst_rank) ** alpha
return (priorities / min_priority) ** (-beta)
[docs]class PrioritizedReplayBuffer(ReplayBuffer):
_variants: ClassVar[Sequence[str]] = ["proportional", "rank_based"]
_buffer_impl: _PrioritizedReplayBuffer
def __init__(
capacity: int,
alpha: float = 0.6,
beta: float = 0.4,
betasteps: int = 10000,
error_clip: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = (-1, 1),
epsilon: float = 1e-8,
reset_segment_interval: int = 1000,
sort_interval: int = 1000000,
variant: str = "proportional",
if variant not in PrioritizedReplayBuffer._variants:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown prioritized replay buffer variant: {variant}")
if variant == "proportional":
self._buffer_impl = ProportionalPrioritizedReplayBuffer(
capacity=capacity, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, betasteps=betasteps, error_clip=error_clip, epsilon=epsilon
elif variant == "rank_based":
self._buffer_impl = RankBasedPrioritizedReplayBuffer(
raise NotImplementedError
def capacity(self):
return self._buffer_impl.capacity
[docs] def append(self, experience):
[docs] def append_all(self, experiences):
[docs] def sample(self, num_samples: int = 1, num_steps: int = 1):
return self._buffer_impl.sample(num_samples, num_steps)
[docs] def sample_indices(self, indices: Sequence[int], num_steps: int = 1):
return self._buffer_impl.sample_indices(indices, num_steps)
def update_priorities(self, errors: np.ndarray):
def __len__(self):
return len(self._buffer_impl)
def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> Experience:
return cast(Experience, self._buffer_impl[item])