Source code for nnabla_rl.parametric_functions

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from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np

import nnabla as nn
import nnabla.functions as NF
import nnabla.initializer as NI
import nnabla.parametric_functions as NPF
import nnabla_rl.functions as RF
from nnabla.initializer import ConstantInitializer
from nnabla.parameter import get_parameter_or_create
from nnabla.parametric_functions import parametric_function_api
from nnabla_rl.initializers import HeUniform

[docs]def noisy_net( inp: nn.Variable, n_outmap: int, base_axis: int = 1, w_init: Optional[Callable[[Tuple[int, ...]], np.ndarray]] = None, b_init: Optional[Callable[[Tuple[int, ...]], np.ndarray]] = None, noisy_w_init: Optional[Callable[[Tuple[int, ...]], np.ndarray]] = None, noisy_b_init: Optional[Callable[[Tuple[int, ...]], np.ndarray]] = None, fix_parameters: bool = False, rng: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, with_bias: bool = True, with_noisy_bias: bool = True, apply_w: Optional[Callable[[nn.Variable], nn.Variable]] = None, apply_b: Optional[Callable[[nn.Variable], nn.Variable]] = None, apply_noisy_w: Optional[Callable[[nn.Variable], nn.Variable]] = None, apply_noisy_b: Optional[Callable[[nn.Variable], nn.Variable]] = None, seed: int = -1, ) -> nn.Variable: """Noisy linear layer with factorized gaussian noise proposed by Fortunato et al. in the paper "Noisy networks for exploration". See: for details. Args: inp (nn.Variable): Input of the layer n_outmaps (int): output dimension of the layer. n_outmap (int): Output dimension of the layer. base_axis (int): Axis of the input to treat as sample dimensions. Dimensions up to base_axis will be treated as sample dimensions. Defaults to 1. w_init (None or Callable[[Tuple[int, ...]], np.ndarray]): Initializer of weights used in deterministic stream. Defaults to None. If None, will be initialized with Uniform distribution :math:`(-\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{fanin}},\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{fanin}})`. b_init (None or Callable[[Tuple[int, ...]], np.ndarray]): Initializer of bias used in deterministic stream. Defaults to None. If None, will be initialized with Uniform distribution :math:`(-\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{fanin}},\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{fanin}})`. noisy_w_init (None or Callable[[Tuple[int, ...]], np.ndarray]): Initializer of weights used in noisy stream. Defaults to None. If None, will be initialized to a constant value of :math:`\\frac{0.5}{\\sqrt{fanin}}`. noisy_b_init (None or Callable[[Tuple[int, ...]], np.ndarray]): Initializer of bias used in noisy stream. Defaults to None. If None, will be initialized to a constant value of :math:`\\frac{0.5}{\\sqrt{fanin}}`. fix_parameters (bool): If True, underlying weight and bias parameters will Not be updated during training. Default to False. rng (None or np.random.RandomState): Random number generator for parameter initializer. Defaults to None. with_bias (bool): If True, deterministic bias term is included in the computation. Defaults to True. with_noisy_bias (bool): If True, noisy bias term is included in the computation. Defaults to True. apply_w (None or Callable[[nn.Variable], nn.Variable]): Callable object to apply to the weights on initialization. Defaults to None. apply_b (None or Callable[[nn.Variable], nn.Variable]): Callable object to apply to the bias on initialization. Defaults to None. apply_noisy_w (None or Callable[[nn.Variable], nn.Variable]): Callable object to apply to the noisy weight on initialization. Defaults to None. apply_noisy_b (None or Callable[[nn.Variable], nn.Variable]): Callable object to apply to the noisy bias on initialization. Defaults to None. seed (int): Random seed. If -1, seed will be sampled from global random number generator. Defaults to -1. Returns: nn.Variable: Linearly transformed input with noisy weights """ inmaps = int([base_axis:])) if w_init is None: w_init = HeUniform(inmaps, n_outmap, factor=1.0 / 3.0, rng=rng) if noisy_w_init is None: noisy_w_init = ConstantInitializer(0.5 / np.sqrt(inmaps)) w = get_parameter_or_create("W", (inmaps, n_outmap), w_init, True, not fix_parameters) if apply_w is not None: w = apply_w(w) noisy_w = get_parameter_or_create("noisy_W", (inmaps, n_outmap), noisy_w_init, True, not fix_parameters) if apply_noisy_w is not None: noisy_w = apply_noisy_w(noisy_w) b = None if with_bias: if b_init is None: b_init = HeUniform(inmaps, n_outmap, factor=1.0 / 3.0, rng=rng) b = get_parameter_or_create("b", (n_outmap,), b_init, True, not fix_parameters) if apply_b is not None: b = apply_b(b) noisy_b = None if with_noisy_bias: if noisy_b_init is None: noisy_b_init = ConstantInitializer(0.5 / np.sqrt(inmaps)) noisy_b = get_parameter_or_create("noisy_b", (n_outmap,), noisy_b_init, True, not fix_parameters) if apply_noisy_b is not None: noisy_b = apply_noisy_b(noisy_b) def _f(x): return NF.sign(x) * RF.sqrt(NF.abs(x)) e_i = _f(NF.randn(shape=(1, inmaps, 1), seed=seed)) e_j = _f(NF.randn(shape=(1, 1, n_outmap), seed=seed)) e_w = NF.reshape(NF.batch_matmul(e_i, e_j), shape=noisy_w.shape) e_w.need_grad = False noisy_w = noisy_w * e_w assert noisy_w.shape == w.shape if with_noisy_bias: assert isinstance(noisy_b, nn.Variable) e_b = NF.reshape(e_j, shape=noisy_b.shape) e_b.need_grad = False noisy_b = noisy_b * e_b assert noisy_b.shape == (n_outmap,) weight = w + noisy_w if with_bias and with_noisy_bias: assert isinstance(b, nn.Variable) assert isinstance(noisy_b, nn.Variable) bias = b + noisy_b elif with_bias: bias = b elif with_noisy_bias: bias = noisy_b else: bias = None return NF.affine(inp, weight, bias, base_axis)
[docs]def spatial_softmax(inp: nn.Variable, alpha_init: float = 1.0, fix_alpha: bool = False) -> nn.Variable: r"""Spatial softmax layer proposed in Computes. .. math:: s_{cij} &= \frac{\exp(x_{cij} / \alpha)}{\sum_{i'j'} \exp(x_{ci'j'} / \alpha)} f_{cx} &= \sum_{ij} s_{cij}px_{ij}, f_{cy} = \sum_{ij} s_{cij}py_{ij} y_{c} &= (f_{cx}, f_{cy}) where :math:`x, y, \\alpha` are the input, output and parameter respectively, and :math:`c, i, j` are the number of channels, heights and widths respectively. :math:`(px_{ij}, py_{ij})` is the image-space position of the point (i, j) in the response map. Args: inp (nn.Variables): Input of the layer. Shape should be (batch_size, C, H, W) alpha_init (float): Initial temperature value. Defaults to 1. fix_alpha (bool): If True, underlying alpha will Not be updated during training. Defaults to False. Returns: nn.Variables: Feature points, Shape is (batch_size, C*2) """ assert len(inp.shape) == 4 (batch_size, channel, height, width) = inp.shape alpha = get_parameter_or_create( "alpha", shape=(1, 1), initializer=ConstantInitializer(alpha_init), need_grad=True, as_need_grad=not fix_alpha ) features = NF.reshape(inp, (-1, height * width)) softmax_attention = NF.softmax(features / alpha) # Image positions are normalized and defined by -1 to 1. # This normalization is referring to the original Guided Policy Search implementation. # See: pos_x, pos_y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, height), np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, width)) pos_x = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(pos_x.reshape(-1, (height * width))) pos_y = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(pos_y.reshape(-1, (height * width))) expected_x = NF.sum(pos_x * softmax_attention, axis=1, keepdims=True) expected_y = NF.sum(pos_y * softmax_attention, axis=1, keepdims=True) expected_xy = NF.concatenate(expected_x, expected_y, axis=1) feature_points = NF.reshape(expected_xy, (batch_size, channel * 2)) return feature_points
@parametric_function_api( "lstm", [ ("affine/W", "Stacked weight matrixes of LSTM block", "(inmaps, 4, state_size)", True), ("affine/b", "Stacked bias vectors of LSTM block", "(4, state_size,)", True), ], ) def lstm_cell(x, h, c, state_size, w_init=None, b_init=None, fix_parameters=False, base_axis=1): """Long Short-Term Memory with base_axis. Long Short-Term Memory, or LSTM, is a building block for recurrent neural networks (RNN) layers. LSTM unit consists of a cell and input, output, forget gates whose functions are defined as following: .. math:: f_t&&=\\sigma(W_fx_t+U_fh_{t-1}+b_f) \\\\ i_t&&=\\sigma(W_ix_t+U_ih_{t-1}+b_i) \\\\ o_t&&=\\sigma(W_ox_t+U_oh_{t-1}+b_o) \\\\ c_t&&=f_t\\odot c_{t-1}+i_t\\odot\\tanh(W_cx_t+U_ch_{t-1}+b_c) \\\\ h_t&&=o_t\\odot\\tanh(c_t). References: S. Hochreiter, and J. Schmidhuber. "Long Short-Term Memory." Neural Computation. 1997. Args: x (~nnabla.Variable): Input N-D array with shape (batch_size, input_size). h (~nnabla.Variable): Input N-D array with shape (batch_size, state_size). c (~nnabla.Variable): Input N-D array with shape (batch_size, state_size). state_size (int): Internal state size is set to `state_size`. w_init (:obj:`nnabla.initializer.BaseInitializer` or :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional): Initializer for weight. By default, it is initialized with :obj:`nnabla.initializer.UniformInitializer` within the range determined by :obj:`nnabla.initializer.calc_uniform_lim_glorot`. b_init (:obj:`nnabla.initializer.BaseInitializer` or :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional): Initializer for bias. By default, it is initialized with zeros if `with_bias` is `True`. fix_parameters (bool): When set to `True`, the weights and biases will not be updated. base_axis (int): Dimensions up to base_axis are treated as sample dimensions. Returns: :class:`~nnabla.Variable` """ xh = NF.concatenate(*(x, h), axis=base_axis) iofc = NPF.affine( xh, (4, state_size), base_axis=base_axis, w_init=w_init, b_init=b_init, fix_parameters=fix_parameters ) i_t, o_t, f_t, gate = NF.split(iofc, axis=base_axis) c_t = NF.sigmoid(f_t) * c + NF.sigmoid(i_t) * NF.tanh(gate) h_t = NF.sigmoid(o_t) * NF.tanh(c_t) return h_t, c_t def causal_self_attention( x: nn.Variable, embed_dim: int, num_heads: int, mask: Optional[nn.Variable] = None, attention_dropout: Optional[float] = None, output_dropout: Optional[float] = None, w_init_key: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = NI.NormalInitializer(0.02), w_init_query: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = NI.NormalInitializer(0.02), w_init_value: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = NI.NormalInitializer(0.02), w_init_proj: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = NI.NormalInitializer(0.02), ) -> nn.Variable: """Causal self attention used in Args: x (nn.Variable): Input of the layer. Shape should be (batch_size, T, C) embed_dim (int): Embedding dimention of encoded vector. num_heads (int): Number of attention heads. mask (Optional[nn.Variable]): Additive attention mask. Defaults to None. attention_dropout (Optional[float]): Dropout ratio of attention output right after the softmax. Defaults to None. output_dropout (Optional[float]): Dropout ratio of final output of this layer. Defaults to None. w_init_key (Optional[Callbale[[Any], Any]]): Weight initializer of attention key weights. w_init_query (Optional[Callbale[[Any], Any]]): Weight initializer of attention query weights. w_init_value (Optional[Callbale[[Any], Any]]): Weight initializer of attention value weights. w_init_proj (Optional[Callbale[[Any], Any]]): Weight initializer of output projection weights. Returns: nn.Variables: Encoded vector """ batch_size, timesteps, _ = x.shape with nn.parameter_scope("key"): k = NPF.affine(x, n_outmaps=embed_dim, base_axis=2, w_init=w_init_key) k = NF.reshape(k, shape=(batch_size, timesteps, num_heads, embed_dim // num_heads)) k = NF.transpose(k, axes=(0, 2, 1, 3)) with nn.parameter_scope("query"): q = NPF.affine(x, n_outmaps=embed_dim, base_axis=2, w_init=w_init_query) q = NF.reshape(q, shape=(batch_size, timesteps, num_heads, embed_dim // num_heads)) q = NF.transpose(q, axes=(0, 2, 1, 3)) with nn.parameter_scope("value"): v = NPF.affine(x, n_outmaps=embed_dim, base_axis=2, w_init=w_init_value) v = NF.reshape(v, shape=(batch_size, timesteps, num_heads, embed_dim // num_heads)) v = NF.transpose(v, axes=(0, 2, 1, 3)) qkT = NF.batch_matmul(q, k, transpose_b=True) dk = np.sqrt(k.shape[-1]) attention = qkT / dk if mask is not None: assert len(attention.shape) == len(mask.shape) assert attention.shape[-2:] == mask.shape[-2:] attention += mask attention = NF.softmax(attention) if attention_dropout is not None: attention = NF.dropout(attention, p=attention_dropout) assert attention.shape == (batch_size, num_heads, timesteps, timesteps) output = NF.batch_matmul(attention, v) assert output.shape == (batch_size, num_heads, timesteps, embed_dim // num_heads) output = NF.transpose(output, axes=(0, 2, 1, 3)) output = NF.reshape(output, shape=(batch_size, timesteps, -1)) assert output.shape == (batch_size, timesteps, embed_dim) with nn.parameter_scope("proj"): output = NPF.affine(output, n_outmaps=embed_dim, base_axis=2, w_init=w_init_proj) if output_dropout is not None: output = NF.dropout(output, p=output_dropout) return output