Source code for nnabla_rl.functions

# Copyright 2020,2021 Sony Corporation.
# Copyright 2021,2022,2023,2024 Sony Group Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

import nnabla as nn
import nnabla.functions as NF

[docs]def sample_gaussian( mean: nn.Variable, ln_var: nn.Variable, noise_clip: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None ) -> nn.Variable: """Sample value from a gaussian distribution of given mean and variance. Args: mean (nn.Variable): Mean of the gaussian distribution ln_var (nn.Variable): Logarithm of the variance of the gaussian distribution noise_clip (Optional[Tuple(float, float)]): Clipping value of the sampled noise. Returns: nn.Variable: Sampled value from gaussian distribution of given mean and variance """ if not (mean.shape == ln_var.shape): raise ValueError("mean and ln_var has different shape") noise = NF.randn(shape=mean.shape) stddev = NF.exp(ln_var * 0.5) if noise_clip is not None: noise = NF.clip_by_value(noise, min=noise_clip[0], max=noise_clip[1]) assert mean.shape == noise.shape return mean + stddev * noise
[docs]def sample_gaussian_multiple( mean: nn.Variable, ln_var: nn.Variable, num_samples: int, noise_clip: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None ) -> nn.Variable: """Sample multiple values from a gaussian distribution of given mean and variance. The returned variable will have an additional axis in the middle as follows (batch_size, num_samples, dimension) Args: mean (nn.Variable): Mean of the gaussian distribution ln_var (nn.Variable): Logarithm of the variance of the gaussian distribution num_samples (int): Number of samples to sample noise_clip (Optional[Tuple(float, float)]): Clipping value of the sampled noise. Returns: nn.Variable: Sampled values from gaussian distribution of given mean and variance """ if not (mean.shape == ln_var.shape): raise ValueError("mean and ln_var has different shape") batch_size = mean.shape[0] data_shape = mean.shape[1:] mean = NF.reshape(mean, shape=(batch_size, 1, *data_shape)) stddev = NF.reshape(NF.exp(ln_var * 0.5), shape=(batch_size, 1, *data_shape)) output_shape = (batch_size, num_samples, *data_shape) noise = NF.randn(shape=output_shape) if noise_clip is not None: noise = NF.clip_by_value(noise, min=noise_clip[0], max=noise_clip[1]) sample = mean + stddev * noise assert sample.shape == output_shape return sample
[docs]def expand_dims(x: nn.Variable, axis: int) -> nn.Variable: """Add dimension to target axis of given variable. Args: x (nn.Variable): Variable to expand the dimension axis (int): The axis to expand the dimension. Non negative. Returns: nn.Variable: Variable with additional dimension in the target axis """ target_shape = (*x.shape[0:axis], 1, *x.shape[axis:]) return NF.reshape(x, shape=target_shape, inplace=False)
[docs]def repeat(x: nn.Variable, repeats: int, axis: int) -> nn.Variable: """Repeats the value along given axis for repeats times. Args: x (nn.Variable): Variable to repeat the values along given axis repeats (int): Number of times to repeat axis (int): The axis to expand the dimension. Non negative. Returns: nn.Variable: Variable with values repeated along given axis """ # TODO: Find more efficient way assert isinstance(repeats, int) assert axis is not None assert axis < len(x.shape) reshape_size = (*x.shape[0 : axis + 1], 1, *x.shape[axis + 1 :]) repeater_size = (*x.shape[0 : axis + 1], repeats, *x.shape[axis + 1 :]) final_size = (*x.shape[0:axis], x.shape[axis] * repeats, *x.shape[axis + 1 :]) x = NF.reshape(x=x, shape=reshape_size) x = NF.broadcast(x, repeater_size) return NF.reshape(x, final_size)
[docs]def sqrt(x: nn.Variable): """Compute the squared root of given variable. Args: x (nn.Variable): Variable to compute the squared root Returns: nn.Variable: Squared root of given variable """ return NF.pow_scalar(x, 0.5)
[docs]def std(x: nn.Variable, axis: Optional[int] = None, keepdims: bool = False) -> nn.Variable: """Compute the standard deviation of given variable along axis. Args: x (nn.Variable): Variable to compute the squared root axis (Optional[int]): Axis to compute the standard deviation. Defaults to None. None will reduce all dimensions. keepdims (bool): Flag whether the reduced axis are kept as a dimension with 1 element. Returns: nn.Variable: Standard deviation of given variable along axis. """ # sigma = sqrt(E[(X - E[X])^2]) mean = NF.mean(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True) diff = x - mean variance = NF.mean(diff**2, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) return sqrt(variance)
[docs]def argmax(x: nn.Variable, axis: Optional[int] = None, keepdims: bool = False) -> nn.Variable: """Compute the index which given variable has maximum value along the axis. Args: x (nn.Variable): Variable to compute the argmax axis (Optional[int]): Axis to compare the values. Defaults to None. None will reduce all dimensions. keepdims (bool): Flag whether the reduced axis are kept as a dimension with 1 element. Returns: nn.Variable: Index of the variable which its value is maximum along the axis """ return NF.max(x=x, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, with_index=True, only_index=True)
def argmin(x: nn.Variable, axis: Optional[int] = None, keepdims: bool = False) -> nn.Variable: """Compute the index which given variable has minimum value along the axis. Args: x (nn.Variable): Variable to compute the argmin axis (Optional[int]): Axis to compare the values. Defaults to None. None will reduce all dimensions. keepdims (bool): Flag whether the reduced axis are kept as a dimension with 1 element. Returns: nn.Variable: Index of the variable which its value is minimum along the axis """ return NF.min(x=x, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, with_index=True, only_index=True)
[docs]def quantile_huber_loss(x0: nn.Variable, x1: nn.Variable, kappa: float, tau: nn.Variable) -> nn.Variable: """Compute the quantile huber loss. See the following papers for details. - - Args: x0 (nn.Variable): Quantile values x1 (nn.Variable): Quantile values kappa (float): Threshold value of huber loss which switches the loss value between squared loss and linear loss tau (nn.Variable): Quantile targets Returns: nn.Variable: Quantile huber loss """ u = x0 - x1 # delta(u < 0) delta = NF.less_scalar(u, val=0.0) delta.need_grad = False assert delta.shape == u.shape if kappa <= 0.0: return u * (tau - delta) else: Lk = NF.huber_loss(x0, x1, delta=kappa) * 0.5 assert Lk.shape == u.shape return NF.abs(tau - delta) * Lk / kappa
[docs]def mean_squared_error(x0: nn.Variable, x1: nn.Variable) -> nn.Variable: """Convenient alias for mean squared error operation. Args: x0 (nn.Variable): N-D array x1 (nn.Variable): N-D array Returns: nn.Variable: Mean squared error between x0 and x1 """ return NF.mean(NF.squared_error(x0, x1))
[docs]def minimum_n(variables: Sequence[nn.Variable]) -> nn.Variable: """Compute the minimum among the list of variables. Args: variables (Sequence[nn.Variable]): Sequence of variables. All the variables must have same shape. Returns: nn.Variable: Minimum value among the list of variables """ if len(variables) < 1: raise ValueError("Variables must have at least 1 variable") if len(variables) == 1: return variables[0] if len(variables) == 2: return NF.minimum2(variables[0], variables[1]) minimum = NF.minimum2(variables[0], variables[1]) for variable in variables[2:]: minimum = NF.minimum2(minimum, variable) return minimum
[docs]def gaussian_cross_entropy_method( objective_function: Callable[[nn.Variable], nn.Variable], init_mean: Union[nn.Variable, np.ndarray], init_var: Union[nn.Variable, np.ndarray], sample_size: int = 500, num_elites: int = 10, num_iterations: int = 5, alpha: float = 0.25, ) -> Tuple[nn.Variable, nn.Variable]: """Optimize objective function with respect to input using cross entropy method using gaussian distribution. Candidates are sampled from a gaussian distribution :math:`\\mathcal{N}(mean,\\,variance)` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import nnabla as nn >>> import nnabla.functions as NF >>> import nnabla_rl.functions as RF >>> def objective_function(x): return -((x - 3.)**2) # this function will be called with x which has (batch_size, sample_size, x_dim) >>> batch_size = 1 >>> variable_size = 1 >>> init_mean = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.zeros((batch_size, variable_size))) >>> init_var = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.ones((batch_size, variable_size))) >>> optimal_x, _ = RF.gaussian_cross_entropy_method(objective_function, init_mean, init_var, alpha=0) >>> optimal_x.forward() >>> optimal_x.shape (1, 1) # (batch_size, variable_size) >>> optimal_x.d array([[3.]], dtype=float32) Args: objective_function (Callable[[nn.Variable], nn.Variable]): objective function, this function will be called with nn.Variable which has (batch_size, sample_size, dim) during the optimization process, and should return nn.Variable such as costs which has (batch_size, sample_size, 1) init_mean (Union[nn.Variable, np.ndarray]): initial mean for the gaussian distribution init_var (Union[nn.Variable, np.ndarray]): initial variance for the gaussian distribution sample_size (int): number of candidates at the sampling step. num_elites (int): number of elites for computing the new gaussian distribution. num_iterations (int): number of optimization iterations. alpha (float): parameter for soft updating the gaussian distribution. Returns: Tuple[nn.Variable, nn.Variable]: mean of elites samples and top of elites samples, Both have (batch_size, dim) Note: If you want to optimize a time sequence action such as (time_steps, action_dim). You can use this optimization function by transforming the action to (time_steps*action_dim). For example, .. code-block:: python def objective_function(time_seq_action): # time_seq_action.shape = (batch_size, sample_size, time_steps*action_dim) # Implement the way to compute some value such as costs. batch_size = 1 time_steps = 2 action_dim = 1 init_mean = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.zeros((batch_size, time_steps*action_dim))) init_var = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.ones((batch_size, time_steps*action_dim))) optimal_x, _ = RF.gaussian_cross_entropy_method(objective_function, init_mean, init_var, alpha=0) optimal_x.forward() # (1, 2) == (batch_size, time_steps*action_dim) print(optimal_x.shape) """ if isinstance(init_mean, np.ndarray): mean = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(init_mean) else: mean = init_mean if isinstance(init_var, np.ndarray): var = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(init_var) else: var = init_var batch_size, gaussian_dimension = mean.shape elite_arange_index = np.tile(np.arange(batch_size)[:, np.newaxis], (1, num_elites))[np.newaxis, :, :] elite_arange_index = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(elite_arange_index) top_arange_index = np.tile(np.arange(batch_size)[:, np.newaxis], (1, 1))[np.newaxis, :, :] top_arange_index = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(top_arange_index) for _ in range(num_iterations): # samples.shape = (batch_size, pop_size, gaussian_dimension) samples = sample_gaussian_multiple(mean, NF.log(var), sample_size) # values.shape = (batch_size*pop_size, 1) values = objective_function(samples.reshape((batch_size, sample_size, gaussian_dimension))) values = values.reshape((batch_size, sample_size, 1)) elites_index = NF.sort(values, axis=1, reverse=True, with_index=True, only_index=True)[:, :num_elites, :] elites_index = elites_index.reshape((1, batch_size, num_elites)) elites_index = NF.concatenate(elite_arange_index, elites_index, axis=0) top_index = NF.max(values, axis=1, with_index=True, only_index=True, keepdims=True) top_index = top_index.reshape((1, batch_size, 1)) top_index = NF.concatenate(top_arange_index, top_index, axis=0) # elite.shape = (batch_size, num_elites, gaussian_dimension) elites = NF.gather_nd(samples, elites_index) # top.shape = (batch_size, gaussian_dimension) top = NF.gather_nd(samples, top_index).reshape((batch_size, gaussian_dimension)) # new_mean.shape = (batch_size, 1, gaussian_dimension) new_mean = NF.mean(elites, axis=1, keepdims=True) # new_var.shape = (batch_size, 1, gaussian_dimension) new_var = NF.mean((elites - new_mean) ** 2, axis=1, keepdims=True) mean = alpha * mean + (1 - alpha) * new_mean.reshape((batch_size, gaussian_dimension)) var = alpha * var + (1 - alpha) * new_var.reshape((batch_size, gaussian_dimension)) return mean, top
[docs]def random_shooting_method( objective_function: Callable[[nn.Variable], nn.Variable], upper_bound: np.ndarray, lower_bound: np.ndarray, sample_size: int = 500, ) -> nn.Variable: """Optimize objective function with respect to the variable using random shooting method. Candidates are sampled from a uniform distribution :math:`x \\sim U(lower\\:bound, upper\\:bound)`. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import nnabla as nn >>> import nnabla.functions as NF >>> import nnabla_rl.functions as RF >>> def objective_function(x): return -((x - 3.)**2) # this function will be called with x which has (batch_size, sample_size, x_dim) >>> batch_size = 1 >>> variable_size = 1 >>> upper_bound = np.ones((batch_size, variable_size)) * 3.5 >>> lower_bound = np.ones((batch_size, variable_size)) * 2.5 >>> optimal_x = RF.random_shooting_method(objective_function, upper_bound, lower_bound) >>> optimal_x.forward() >>> optimal_x.shape (1, 1) # (batch_size, variable_size) >>> np.allclose(optimal_x.d, np.array([[3.]]), atol=1e-1) True Args: objective_function (Callable[[nn.Variable], nn.Variable]): objective function, this function will be called with nn.Variable which has (batch_size, sample_size, dim) during the optimization process, and should return nn.Variable such as costs which has (batch_size, sample_size, 1) upper_bound (np.ndarray): upper bound of an uniform distribution for sampling candidates of the variables. lower_bound (np.ndarray): lower bound of an uniform distribution for sampling candidates of the variables. sample_size (int): number of candidates at the sampling step. Returns: nn.Variable: argmax sample, shape is (batch_size, dim) Note: If you want to optimize a time sequence action such as (time_steps, action_dim). You can use this optimization function by transforming the action to (time_steps*action_dim). For example, .. code-block:: python def objective_function(time_seq_action): # time_seq_action.shape = (batch_size, sample_size, time_steps*action_dim) # Implement the way to compute some value such as costs. batch_size = 1 time_steps = 2 action_dim = 1 upper_bound = np.ones((batch_size, time_steps*action_dim)) * 3.5) lower_bound = np.ones((batch_size, time_steps*action_dim)) * 2.5) optimal_x = RF.random_shooting_method(objective_function, upper_bound, lower_bound) optimal_x.forward() # (1, 2) == (batch_size, time_steps*action_dim) print(optimal_x.shape) """ batch_size, dim = upper_bound.shape assert lower_bound.shape[0] == batch_size assert lower_bound.shape[1] == dim if not np.all(upper_bound >= lower_bound): raise ValueError("Invalid upper_bound and lower_bound.") upper_bound = nn.Variable().from_numpy_array(upper_bound) lower_bound = nn.Variable().from_numpy_array(lower_bound) upper_bound = expand_dims(upper_bound, 0) lower_bound = expand_dims(lower_bound, 0) samples = NF.rand(shape=(sample_size, batch_size, dim)) * (upper_bound - lower_bound) + lower_bound samples = NF.transpose(samples, (1, 0, 2)) # values.shape = (batch_size, sample_size, 1) values = objective_function(samples.reshape((batch_size, sample_size, dim))) values = values.reshape((batch_size, sample_size, 1)) arange_index = np.tile(np.arange(batch_size)[:, np.newaxis], (1, 1))[np.newaxis, :, :] arange_index = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(arange_index) # argmax_index.shape = (pop_size, 1) argmax_index = argmax(values, axis=1, keepdims=True) argmax_index = argmax_index.reshape((1, batch_size, 1)) argmax_index = NF.concatenate(arange_index, argmax_index, axis=0) # top.shape = (batch_size, dim) top = NF.gather_nd(samples, argmax_index).reshape((batch_size, dim)) return top
[docs]def triangular_matrix(diagonal: nn.Variable, non_diagonal: Optional[nn.Variable] = None, upper=False) -> nn.Variable: """Compute triangular_matrix from given diagonal and non_diagonal elements. If non_diagonal is None, will create a diagonal matrix. Example: >>> import numpy as np >>> import nnabla as nn >>> import nnabla.functions as NF >>> import nnabla_rl.functions as RF >>> diag_size = 3 >>> batch_size = 2 >>> non_diag_size = diag_size * (diag_size - 1) // 2 >>> diagonal = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.ones(6).astype(np.float32).reshape((batch_size, diag_size))) >>> non_diagonal = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.arange(batch_size*non_diag_size).astype(np.float32)\ .reshape((batch_size, non_diag_size))) >>> diagonal.d array([[1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1.]], dtype=float32) >>> non_diagonal.d array([[0., 1., 2.], [3., 4., 5.]], dtype=float32) >>> lower_triangular_matrix = RF.triangular_matrix(diagonal, non_diagonal) >>> lower_triangular_matrix.forward() >>> lower_triangular_matrix.d array([[[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [1., 2., 1.]], [[1., 0., 0.], [3., 1., 0.], [4., 5., 1.]]], dtype=float32) Args: diagonal (nn.Variable): diagonal elements of lower triangular matrix. It's shape must be (batch_size, diagonal_size). non_diagonal (nn.Variable or None): non-diagonal part of lower triangular elements. It's shape must be (batch_size, diagonal_size * (diagonal_size - 1) // 2). upper (bool): If true will create an upper triangular matrix. Otherwise will create a lower triangular matrix. Returns: nn.Variable: lower triangular matrix constructed from given variables. """ def _flat_tri_indices(batch_size, matrix_dim, upper): matrix_size = matrix_dim * matrix_dim tri_indices = np.triu_indices(n=matrix_dim, k=1) if upper else np.tril_indices(n=matrix_dim, k=-1) ravel_tril_indices = np.ravel_multi_index(tri_indices, dims=(matrix_dim, matrix_dim)).reshape((1, -1)) scatter_indices = np.concatenate([ravel_tril_indices + b * matrix_size for b in range(batch_size)], axis=1) return nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(scatter_indices) (batch_size, diagonal_size) = diagonal.shape diagonal_part = NF.matrix_diag(diagonal) if non_diagonal is None: return diagonal_part else: non_diagonal_size = diagonal_size * (diagonal_size - 1) // 2 assert non_diagonal.shape == (batch_size, non_diagonal_size) scatter_indices = _flat_tri_indices(batch_size, matrix_dim=diagonal_size, upper=upper) matrix_size = diagonal_size * diagonal_size non_diagonal_part = NF.reshape(non_diagonal, shape=(batch_size * non_diagonal_size,)) non_diagonal_part = NF.scatter_nd(non_diagonal_part, scatter_indices, shape=(batch_size * matrix_size,)) non_diagonal_part = NF.reshape(non_diagonal_part, shape=(batch_size, diagonal_size, diagonal_size)) return diagonal_part + non_diagonal_part
[docs]def batch_flatten(x: nn.Variable) -> nn.Variable: """Collapse the variable shape into (batch_size, rest). Example: >>> import numpy as np >>> import nnabla as nn >>> import nnabla_rl.functions as RF >>> variable_shape = (3, 4, 5, 6) >>> x = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.random.normal(size=variable_shape)) >>> x.shape (3, 4, 5, 6) >>> flattened_x = RF.batch_flatten(x) >>> flattened_x.shape (3, 120) Args: x (nn.Variable): N-D array Returns: nn.Variable: Flattened variable. """ original_shape = x.shape flatten_shape = (original_shape[0],[1:])) return NF.reshape(x, shape=flatten_shape)
def stop_gradient(variable: nn.Variable) -> nn.Variable: return variable.get_unlinked_variable(need_grad=False)
[docs]def pytorch_equivalent_gather(x: nn.Variable, indices: nn.Variable, axis: int) -> nn.Variable: """Pytorch equivalent gather function. Gather according to given indices from x. See for details. The shape of x and indices should be the same except for the given axis' dimension. Args: x (nn.Variable): N-D array. The data to gather from. indices (nn.Variable): N-D array. The index of elements to gather. axis (int): indexing axis. Returns: nn.Variable: gathered (in pytorch's style) variable. """ assert x.shape[:axis] == indices.shape[:axis] assert x.shape[axis + 1 :] == indices.shape[axis + 1 :] if axis != len(x.shape) - 1: x = swapaxes(x, axis, len(x.shape) - 1) indices = swapaxes(indices, axis, len(indices.shape) - 1) result = NF.gather(x, indices, axis=len(x.shape) - 1, batch_dims=len(indices.shape) - 1) if axis != len(x.shape) - 1: result = swapaxes(result, axis, len(result.shape) - 1) return result
[docs]def concat_interleave(variables: Sequence[nn.Variable], axis: int) -> nn.Variable: """Concat given variables along given axis. For example if we have a sequence which consists of 3 variables A, B, C with same size. This function will concat A, B, and C along given axis but interleaving its elements. For example, if you concat 3 variables along axis = 0 this function should return: >>> interleaved[0::3, ...] == A >>> interleaved[1::3, ...] == B >>> interleaved[2::3, ...] == C Args: x (Sequence[nn.Variable]): sequence of N-D array. The data to concatenate. axis (int): concatenating axis. Returns: nn.Variable: concatenated variable which elements are interleaved in given axis. """ assert all([variable.shape == variables[0].shape for variable in variables]) variable_num = len(variables) if variable_num == 1: return variables[0] concatenated = NF.concatenate(*variables, axis=axis) indices_shape = concatenated.shape indices = np.zeros(indices_shape, dtype=int) # Move target axis dimenstion to the end axis_size = indices.shape[axis] indices = np.swapaxes(indices, axis, len(indices.shape) - 1) original_size = axis_size // variable_num for i in range(axis_size): item_index = i // variable_num var_index = i % variable_num data_index = var_index * original_size + item_index indices[..., i] = data_index # Transpose again to original dimension indices = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.swapaxes(indices, axis, len(indices.shape) - 1)) return pytorch_equivalent_gather(concatenated, indices, axis=axis)
[docs]def swapaxes(x: nn.Variable, axis1: int, axis2: int) -> nn.Variable: """Interchange two axis of given variable. Args: x (Sequence[nn.Variable]): Target variable to interchange its axis. axis1 (int): first axis. axis2 (int): second axis. Returns: nn.Variable: Interchanged variable. """ axes = [i for i in range(len(x.shape))] axes[axis1] = axis2 axes[axis2] = axis1 return NF.transpose(x, axes=axes)
def normalize( x: nn.Variable, mean: nn.Variable, std: nn.Variable, value_clip: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None ) -> nn.Variable: """Normalize the given variable. Args: x (nn.Varible): variable to be normalized. mean (nn.Variable): mean. std (nn.Variable): standard deviation. value_clip (Optional[Tuple[float, float]]): clipping value. defaults to None. Returns: nn.Variable: normalized value. """ normalized = (x - mean) / std if value_clip is not None: normalized = NF.clip_by_value(normalized, min=value_clip[0], max=value_clip[1]) return normalized def unnormalize( x: nn.Variable, mean: nn.Variable, std: nn.Variable, value_clip: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None ) -> nn.Variable: """Unnormalize the given variable. Args: x (nn.Varible): variable to be normalized. mean (nn.Variable): mean. std (nn.Variable): standard deviation. value_clip (Optional[Tuple[float, float]]): clipping value. defaults to None. Returns: nn.Variable: unnormalized value. """ unnormalized = x * std + mean if value_clip is not None: unnormalized = NF.clip_by_value(unnormalized, min=value_clip[0], max=value_clip[1]) return unnormalized def compute_std(var: nn.Variable, epsilon: float, mode_for_floating_point_error: str) -> nn.Variable: """Compute standard deviation. Args: variance (nn.Variable) epsilon (float): value to improve numerical stability for computing the standard deviation. mode_for_floating_point_error (str): mode for avoiding a floating point error when computing the standard deviation. Must be one of: - `add`: It returns the square root of the sum of var and epsilon. - `max`: It returns epsilon if the square root of var is smaller than epsilon, \ otherwise it returns the square root of var. Returns: nn.Variable: standard deviation """ if mode_for_floating_point_error == "add": std = (var + epsilon) ** 0.5 elif mode_for_floating_point_error == "max": std = NF.maximum_scalar(var**0.5, epsilon) else: raise ValueError return std def expectile_regression(x: nn.Variable, tau: float) -> nn.Variable: """Expectile regression function. math:: L_2^\\tau(u) = |\\tau - 1(x < 0)|x^2 Args: x (nn.Variable): the input variable. tau (float): the expectile level. It should be between 0 and 1. Returns: nn.Variable: the expectile regression loss. """ ones_var = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.ones(x.shape)) weight = NF.where( NF.greater_scalar(x.get_unlinked_variable(need_grad=False), 0.0), ones_var * tau, ones_var * (1 - tau) ) return weight * NF.pow_scalar(x, 2)