# Copyright 2021,2022,2023,2024 Sony Group Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Union
import gym
import nnabla as nn
import nnabla.solvers as NS
import nnabla_rl.environment_explorers as EE
from nnabla_rl.algorithms.categorical_ddqn import CategoricalDDQN, CategoricalDDQNConfig
from nnabla_rl.algorithms.categorical_dqn import CategoricalDQN
from nnabla_rl.builders import ExplorerBuilder, ModelBuilder, ReplayBufferBuilder, SolverBuilder
from nnabla_rl.environment_explorer import EnvironmentExplorer
from nnabla_rl.environments.environment_info import EnvironmentInfo
from nnabla_rl.models import RainbowValueDistributionFunction, ValueDistributionFunction
from nnabla_rl.replay_buffer import ReplayBuffer
from nnabla_rl.replay_buffers import ProportionalPrioritizedReplayBuffer
class RainbowConfig(CategoricalDDQNConfig):
"""RainbowConfig List of configurations for Rainbow algorithm.
gamma (float): discount factor of rewards. Defaults to 0.99.
learning_rate (float): learning rate which is set to all solvers. \
You can customize/override the learning rate for each solver by implementing the \
(:py:class:`SolverBuilder <nnabla_rl.builders.SolverBuilder>`) by yourself. \
Defaults to 0.00025 / 4.
batch_size (int): training batch size. Defaults to 32.
start_timesteps (int): the timestep when training starts.\
The algorithm will collect experiences from the environment by acting randomly until this timestep.
Defaults to 20000.
replay_buffer_size (int): the capacity of replay buffer. Defaults to 1000000.
learner_update_frequency (float): the interval of learner update. Defaults to 4.
target_update_frequency (float): the interval of target q-function update. Defaults to 8000.
v_min (float): lower limit of the value used in value distribution function. Defaults to -10.0.
v_max (float): upper limit of the value used in value distribution function. Defaults to 10.0.
num_atoms (int): the number of bins used in value distribution function. Defaults to 51.
num_steps (int): the of steps to look ahead in n-step Q learning. Defaults to 3.
alpha (float): priority exponent (written as omega in the rainbow paper) of prioritized buffer. Defaults to 0.5.
beta (float): initial value of importance sampling exponent of prioritized buffer. Defaults to 0.4.
betasteps (int): importance sampling exponent increase steps. After betasteps, exponent will get to 1.0.
Defaults to 12500000.
warmup_random_steps (Optional[int]): steps until this value will NOT use trained policy for exploration.
Will explore with randomly selected action. Defaults to 0.
no_double (bool): If true, following normal Q-learning style q value target will be used for
categorical q value update. :math:`r + \\gamma\\max_{a}{Q_{\\text{target}}(s_{t+1}, a)}`.
Defaults to False.
learning_rate: float = 0.00025 / 4
start_timesteps: int = 20000 # 20k steps = 80k frames in Atari game
target_update_frequency: int = 8000 # 8k steps = 32k frames in Atari game
num_steps: int = 3
initial_epsilon: float = 0.0 # Does not take effect by default.
final_epsilon: float = 0.0 # Does not take effect by default.
test_epsilon: float = 0.0
alpha: float = 0.5
beta: float = 0.4
betasteps: int = 50000000 // 4 # 50M steps = 200M frames in Atari game. We diveded by 4 (learner_update_frequency).
warmup_random_steps: int = 0
no_double: bool = False
class DefaultValueDistFunctionBuilder(ModelBuilder[ValueDistributionFunction]):
def build_model( # type: ignore[override]
scope_name: str,
env_info: EnvironmentInfo,
algorithm_config: RainbowConfig,
) -> ValueDistributionFunction:
return RainbowValueDistributionFunction(
scope_name, env_info.action_dim, algorithm_config.num_atoms, algorithm_config.v_min, algorithm_config.v_max
class DefaultReplayBufferBuilder(ReplayBufferBuilder):
def build_replay_buffer( # type: ignore[override]
self, env_info: EnvironmentInfo, algorithm_config: RainbowConfig, **kwargs
) -> ReplayBuffer:
return ProportionalPrioritizedReplayBuffer(
error_clip=(-100, 100),
class DefaultSolverBuilder(SolverBuilder):
def build_solver( # type: ignore[override]
self, env_info: EnvironmentInfo, algorithm_config: RainbowConfig, **kwargs
) -> nn.solver.Solver:
return NS.Adam(alpha=algorithm_config.learning_rate, eps=1.5e-4)
class DefaultExplorerBuilder(ExplorerBuilder):
def build_explorer( # type: ignore[override]
env_info: EnvironmentInfo,
algorithm_config: RainbowConfig,
algorithm: "Rainbow",
) -> EnvironmentExplorer:
explorer_config = EE.RawPolicyExplorerConfig(
warmup_random_steps=algorithm_config.warmup_random_steps, initial_step_num=algorithm.iteration_num
explorer = EE.RawPolicyExplorer(
policy_action_selector=algorithm._exploration_action_selector, env_info=env_info, config=explorer_config
return explorer
[docs]class Rainbow(CategoricalDDQN):
"""Rainbow algorithm.
This class implements the Rainbow algorithm proposed by M. Bellemare, et al. in the paper:
"Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning"
For details see: https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.02298
env_or_env_info \
(gym.Env or :py:class:`EnvironmentInfo <nnabla_rl.environments.environment_info.EnvironmentInfo>`):
the environment to train or environment info
config (:py:class:`RainbowConfig <nnabla_rl.algorithms.rainbow.RainbowConfig>`):
configuration of the Rainbow algorithm
value_distribution_builder (:py:class:`ModelBuilder[ValueDistributionFunctionFunction] \
<nnabla_rl.builders.ModelBuilder>`): builder of value distribution function models
value_distribution_solver_builder (:py:class:`SolverBuilder <nnabla_rl.builders.SolverBuilder>`):
builder of value distribution function solvers
replay_buffer_builder (:py:class:`ReplayBufferBuilder <nnabla_rl.builders.ReplayBufferBuilder>`):
builder of replay_buffer
explorer_builder (:py:class:`ExplorerBuilder <nnabla_rl.builders.ExplorerBuilder>`):
builder of environment explorer
def __init__(
env_or_env_info: Union[gym.Env, EnvironmentInfo],
config: RainbowConfig = RainbowConfig(),
value_distribution_builder: ModelBuilder[ValueDistributionFunction] = DefaultValueDistFunctionBuilder(),
value_distribution_solver_builder: SolverBuilder = DefaultSolverBuilder(),
replay_buffer_builder: ReplayBufferBuilder = DefaultReplayBufferBuilder(),
explorer_builder: ExplorerBuilder = DefaultExplorerBuilder(),
super(Rainbow, self).__init__(
def _setup_value_distribution_function_training(self, env_or_buffer):
if self._config.no_double:
return CategoricalDQN._setup_value_distribution_function_training(self, env_or_buffer)
return CategoricalDDQN._setup_value_distribution_function_training(self, env_or_buffer)